Aging in Place

By making targeted upgrades and modifications to their home, older adults can overcome many of the obstacles they face, allowing them to safely and comfortably live in their home. Simple changes like installing grab bars in the bathroom, widening doorways for wheelchair accessibility, or implementing smart home technology to assist with daily routines can make a profound difference in an older person's quality of life and sense of autonomy.  Ultimately, investing in home improvements tailored to the unique needs of older adults allows them to preserve their independence and continue living out their golden years in the comfort of the homes they love.

Popular Services

  • Grab bar installation

  • Fixed or portable accessibility ramp installation

  • Shower seat installation

  • Zero-threshold/walk-in shower installation

  • Anti-scald device installation

  • Motion-sensor faucet installation

  • Roll-out shelving installation

  • Anti-slip flooring installation

  • Motion-sensor lighting installation

  • Door-widening (offset) hinge installation

  • Door camera/caregiver camera installation